— About Us —
Since 1988,
The Farmers Branch Police Officers Association has been representing the brave men and women of the Farmers Branch Police Department.
Our members work around the clock to support the department’s mission of “assuring each citizen the opportunity to enjoy life in peace and free from criminal acts,” and “working in partnership with the citizens to provide courteous, professional services.” We aim to achieve this mission by uniting with department leadership, city officials, and the citizens of Farmers Branch to keep our community safe.
The Farmers Branch POA also serves as a vehicle for fundraising which allows us to donate to community members in need, as well as local charities that align with our vision for a better tomorrow.
In addition to all of this, the association maintains an active role within the local political arena to ensure that the rights of our officers are protected.
Our Officers

— Our Mission —
Our Community

The purpose of the FBPOA is to represent Farmers Branch Police Officers in matters relating to employment, benefits, and well-being. Our goal is to keep our department competitive so that we may continue to provide the highly skilled and intelligent police force that our community deserves.